Tag Archives: Glitter

Forget You? Never!

Remember how I was saying I wanted to see how Forget Me Not by Catrice would look stamped and shattered and with topcoats etc.  Well, I couldn’t stop myself! Here is that fabulous color on its own… *Sigh*  Seriously, does it get better?  I guess it does, if you don’t totally love purple, but then you are crazy and your …

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These Little Piggies…

… want to go wee wee wee wee alllll the way back to the south of France! I don’t know what it’s like where all of you are at the moment, but here in the Netherlands the weather has been totally dreary all summer long.  If it weren’t for our holiday in the south of France in early July, my …

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Rawwrr! Night Prowl! – Review

I love black… I love purple… I love glitter.  OMG I LOVE BLACK PURPLE AND GLITTER!!  When it comes to me and polish, I’m not sure it gets any better than Wet n Wild Wild Shine Night Prowl!  I’m in love! It goes on smooth and evenly, it takes two coats (or one if you put it on thick enough) …

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Pink for Suzie!

Recently a friend of mine found out that she has breast cancer.  This is something that has struck far too close far too many times for me.  She has been a real trooper though and her strength and optimism is inspiring.  She has been blogging about her experience and it’s quite an interesting read.  In fact, I find myself wishing …

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My First Franken: Space Dream

Wow, a lot of firsts on this blog… guess that’s part of being a newbie! I’ve been reading a lot on Facebook and other people’s blog about ‘Frankens’  … basically, polishes that people create by mixing existing polishes they already have.  I don’t have a lot of polish but I did have a few old ones that I never use, …

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Gosh: Green Hawaii

This bottle has been hanging around in my stash for about two months now, and I kept meaning to give it a go but each time there was something else I’d get distracted with.  Today I finally got around to trying it and I’m a little torn. On the one hand I really like the green and the glitter, but …

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Glitter Skittles Matte

What’s a girl to do when she has a great Glitter Skittles Mani and she knows it will need to be removed shortly? Mattify that sucker!! I think they all look pretty cool with the matte finish, which is funny considering until not that long ago I wasn’t a fan of any matte at all.  Since I got the Essence …

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Glitter Skittles

After testing out my new Miss Cop glitter that I bought at the market, I wanted to see what it looked like on a black base.  As I was getting everything out I realized I had other new glitters that I haven’t tried yet, and some I’d like to compare.  That’s when it hit me… glitter skittle!!  Well, nine glitter …

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Miss Cop Market Mani

A few weekends ago I visited our open market in the city center.  I noticed a lady selling Miss Cop nail polish for €3 per bottle, so I browsed through them.  I decided to buy two and see how I like them and if I did maybe one day I’d pop by and pick up some more.  I’m not sure …

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Stains and Sparkles

Remember how much I loved WnW Teal of Fortune?  Well, I wasn’t loving it so much after I removed it! YIKES!! I have never had staining like that before.  Granted, I forgot to use a basecoat because I quickly painted my nails before leaving to go out, but jeeez.. I’m going to have to scrub my nails with some kind …

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