The-Diet Weigh-in: Week 10

It’s that time again, how these weeks go by so fast I just don’t know. If I was waiting for a week to win the lottery it’d seem like a year… but not a week between weigh ins! It seems like I just weigh in and before I know it I’m reminding myself there’s only a few more days before I have to weigh in AGAIN.

Oh well, it helps me behave.


Week 1: 0 lbs lost
Week 2: 2 lbs lost
Week 3: 2 lbs lost
Week 4: 2 lbs GAINED
Week 5: 7 lbs lost
Week 6: 0 lbs lost
Week 7: 2 lbs lost
Week 8: 3 lbs lost
Week 9: 1 lb lost
Week 10: 1 2 lbs lost

Total lost: 16 17 lbs

Ok so only 1 lb again 2 lbs! but I’m not going to complain. As I said last week, I had PMS, and part of this week was spent feeling, well .. you know.. so I didn’t feel much like exercising.

I WAS still good with my eating though. The only real bad things I had to eat was one night we ordered chinese takeout (Chicken Balls, White Rice and Loempia) and one night we went out with a friend to the pancake house (bacon, cheese and apple – yum!). Both of these days I was careful to eat sensibly for my other meals and stuck to things like fruit, yogurt and cereal.

TEN FRIGGIN WEEKS since chocolate, ice cream, french fries, candy, cola or potato chips have crossed my lips!

My new favorite healthy desert (which still doesn’t come close to cheesecake, but it’ll do): Chopped kiwi mixed with raisins. Tasty!

If you are interested in joining the-diet just click the link and sign up! It’s not really a set diet, rather just a bunch of people who are trying to lose weight coming together for some motivation! Everyone does it in their own way.

** EDIT ** Wicked! I just weighed myself again and I am 2 lbs down, not just 1 lb!! Hooray!!

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  1. What happened that week I lost 7 lbs was that I had lost 4 lbs in the beginning, but then PMS hit. I gained BACK 2 lbs that week.

    Then after my PMS/Period was over, I lost the water weight and bloating and the previous week’s loss showed properly and it all added up.

    So I really did just lose a bit each week but it only showed as a big loss that one week because my body caught up after my insane pms bloating.

  2. Any more than 2 pounds a week isn’t healthy. How’d you lose 7 pounds that one week, anyway?

  3. Well done! How much are you trying to lose?

  4. You are a total inspiration. I am *starting* to be more cautious of what I put in my mouth…and I am trying to walk everyday. Scared to weigh in though. Fearful, really.

  5. Congrats! Keep up the good work…I will see a whole new you in the Spring. You’re coming down and I’m going up, hopefully we will meet in the middle. Love u.

  6. Keep up the good work. Steady progress is good.

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