Will you impress me today?

You need a change of scenery. Join a group that will get your mind racing. You will be at your best when you are contributing to something worthwhile. Someone new will impress you on many different levels.

That’s my horoscope for today from Horoscope.com! I hardly ever check it but it’s fun sometimes to see how it fits in to my day to day life. Need a change of scenery indeed! Contributing something worthwhile would be nice too, haven’t felt like I’ve been doing much of that for a long time.

But what could I do? What group could I join? I’m at a loss… I’ll have to think about it some more. It will be interesting to see if someone impresses the pants off me today though. Many different levels, this sounds extreme. I’ll probably shlup through the day like any other day and end up disappointed that nobody did anything truly impressive, which will lead to me not checking my horoscope for another 6 months. Which would also give me a good excuse to dismiss the whole “join a group” thing. Now there is so much pressure on the people I know to do something astounding today. My future depends on it!

Today I read about this guy from one of the torrent sites I belong to who died. Apparently he was a soldier of some sort in the US and died while out on some mission. I can’t help but wonder when I hear stories like this, if they actually died for a purpose or if it was just some more crap where the US was butting it’s nose in where it doesn’t belong. All this “Fight for Freedom” stuff.. seems like it’s been a long time since that was actually the goal during these fights.

Anyhow, that’s not the point I was trying to make. There is all the drama all over this forum, which is understandable seeing as people there knew him. I remember back to my gaming days when we lost a few of the friends we played with and I was devistated. Mostly because it was a cold hard slap of reality, that these people I chatted with were so real. I often would forget that there were real people with real lives behind these names on my screen.

What gets me though, is this one guy is giving out all these messages to other people on the forums that the guy who died left behind. I guess it’s a soldier thing, before they go out to war they write out this whole “If you read this you know I’m dead” message… I couldn’t help but find it a bit strange that he left behind messages for people he knew from some torrent forum.

Shit, I feel totally heartless saying that, but it’s honestly the first thing I thought.

I wonder who I would leave messages for. I guess we could all die at any time so it makes sense to have something like this tucked away somewhere. Would I leave messages for my old gaming buddies, the people I chat with on MSN, the friends I’ve made through Orkut or these torrent sites? I’m not sure I would. I mean I would leave a message for some, people who I feel have shifted from “Someone I know online” to “Friend”, but just chatting with people doesn’t make that automatically the case.

Plus, online friendships come and go like the tide, at least from what I’ve experienced. I’d have to renew the list once a month or something ridiculous like that. This leads me to believe when it all came down I would only leave messages for the constants. The people who really know me and would actually give a crap if I was just run down by a garbage truck or something.

Oh well, this guy probably was the better person anyway. I mean he went and gave his life for his country, I sure as hell never would.

Anyhow, yesterday in school I got paired with the new guy from New Zealand. He’s VERY cool from what I can tell. The chapter we are working on at the moment is about cultural activities. What people like in the way of music, theater, museums, books and so on. Yesterday in our little discussion moment we were all supposed to discuss our favorite out of one of these categories. We spoke Dutch for long enough to realize we both absolutely love the same books/movies. Then we broke into English and spent the rest of the time we were grouped together gabbing our asses off from everything from Lord of the Rings to house renovations.

He’s definately not the antisocial type I thought he was. Come to think of it, my initial instincts about people have been totally off lately. My woman’s intuition has gone utterly and completely fubar!

Oh my god, I just went to look at the date on the horoscope page and it said February 10, 2005. In my world it’s already February 11th! Do you know what that means?! New Zealand guy impressed the crap out of me yeseterday, so my horoscope DID come true!

Shit.. now I have to go join some group and contribute.

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One comment

  1. I’d miss you if you got hit by a garbage truck. :) Or any truk for that matter. :) Knock on wood it never will happen. Enjoy your group hunting. Notice I am no longer on expats. I was booted, with no notice or anything. Nice isn’t it. I was probably not even out of the country yet when I was booted. That po’d me for a while.
    Well have a good one.

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