Spray On Tan = Bad, mmkay?

Has anyone else been following Big Brother All Stars?

I’m still a huge Reality TV freak and Big Brother 7 is no exception! I mean, Big Brother is a totally entertaining show regardless… but having the best players back in there again?! Whew! This is going to get good!

Anyhow, this has been bugging me since the last episode I watched, where James announced his nominations for eviction.

Before and After

On that episode, Dr. Will started out as his usual pasty self…. as seen on the left from his publicity photo on the Big Brother website. In his former season of BB he was tanned and buff, but this season he’s shown up ghostly white and slightly softer.

So far this season he’s taken to giving other people, especially Howie, shit about their looks. He is a doctor afterall and specializes in the vanity portion of it… botox and the like. He talks about how he knows he’s the best looking guy on the show, how hot he is and basically acts like a pompous ass.

What I wonder is if it’s all a bunch of hot air. Is he trying to convince himself more than anyone else?

If you remember, on one of the previous episodes Howie had a go back at him about how pasty white he was and he gave a speech about how he is a dermatoligist and it would be hypocritical of him to sit out in the sun tanning while lecturing others about it. Ok, fair point… but is SPRAY ON TAN really that good for your skin? Plus, if he is so proud of how he looks and pasty really is the new thing, why did we see him on the recent nomination episode standing in a scarecrow position and getting a tan out of a can (see photo on the right for a screencap of him a short while later)?

…. and from ugly Erika, of all people?

Is it possible that he isn’t as secure as he likes to let on and Crazy Howie actually hit a nerve?

It’s hideous!! Oh Dr. Will… what ARE you thinking?

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  1. aaah, yeah I had a look on their site and I’m not sure I want to pay to be able to watch the BB gang all the time.

    I wonder if it’s like porn sites and I can find a hacked user/pass for Big Brother out there somewhere :P

  2. You have to have the latest version of Real Player, then go to the official website on CBS, and I think you get two weeks free to start. I get it because I have Real Player’s superpass all year long anyways.

  3. Hold up, you mean you can watch them when they aren’t on the show?! How do I do this? is it on the website or something?

    That’s what I get for downloading the show with all the ads and extra bits cut out! I’m off to the site to look for them now!

  4. Everything you mentioned makes him even more the Evil Dr. Will. I do think he’s egotistical, but I don’t think he takes the game really serious. I think he tries to push it as far as he can go & it just makes the others angry, like Jase. (ugh he irritates me!)

    Oh gosh, I used to watch the live feeds, but then I’d be up SO late watching them. This was season 1 & they’d have bbq’s at 2am….it was a BLAST! Plus AOL had chatrooms & for season 1 there were over 100 chatrooms.

  5. Hey how do you get those live feeds?
    I thought he must have showered because he didn’t look so copper colored on the veto episode. I wonder how his stunt is going to work with his big speech. He definately plays the game better than any of the rest of them.

  6. I have the live feeds, and he did it just because he’s Will and he likes to piss around. He showered right away and most of it washed off. Then Howie and idiot Chicken George wondered what happened to his tan.

    Oy…it’s gonna be a long summer.

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