I SAID Don’t Gag Me, Dammit!

gastro3 Today I went for my second gastroscopie and all I can say is that it wasn’t as good an experience as the first one.  Everything seemed to be following the same routine as the first time, I went in, they took my blood pressure, laid me down and gave me the drugs.  Then I was off to La La Land.

This time I paid attention when they gave me the drugs and watched the time on the monitor.  He put it in at 25 seconds and the last I remember seeing was 47.  So that stuff works pretty quickly!  I was happy to drift off knowing when I woke up I’d be in the recovery room with Xander laughing at me and my repeated conversations.  That’s not exactly how it happened though.

When I woke up I couldn’t breathe, I was gagging and people were shushing and tutting me while holding me down.  It felt like someone had their fist in my throat and between trying to breathe, trying not to gag and puking up some kind of foam or something, I was terrified!

Had I known this would happen I may have been prepared and not felt so fucked up by it, but I expected, like the last time, to wake up in another room without remembering anything that happened.  Not to wake up in the middle of it in a panic.  It was a total nightmare…  I wasn’t ready and I wasn’t really sure what was going on. 

I remember them wheeling me into the other room and Xander walking in a minute later.  When he asked how it went I just cried.  I felt ridiculous and like a total baby but it was just me and him there and I didn’t care.  It was a really shitty experience and I was totally shaken up by it.  He agreed that something wasn’t right because before I was sleepy and in and out for a while, but this time I was already awake, probably a mixture of there not being enough sedative and masses of adrenaline.   Neither of us were very happy about it but he just sat there and let me cry it out, and then we waited until I could leave.

I came home and the adrenaline wore off quickly, I stumbled my way to bed and crashed for over three hours.  Now I’m awake and I my throat feels like someone has been punching it from the inside, not raw but swollen and it hurts to swallow.   I hope to god I never have to have this done again.

On the plus side, in true Tammy style, I made sure I didn’t leave without a little keepsake for my blog!!

Look ma!  No food!


Yeah, that’s my stomach, pretty gross huh!  Oh please, you should know me better than to think I wouldn’t post something like this if I had the chance!

When the doctor gave me the photo I asked her if there was anything wrong, she said for the most part things looked ok but there is inflammation in my stomach and they aren’t sure what the cause is.  So they took a few biopsies and we’ll have the results of the tests then.

So, now all I can do is wait and hope to god I never, for as long as I live, have to have this procedure done again.  Ever.

I wish I’d asked for a photo of the last time when there was still food in there, oh man that would have been awesome!  Gross… but awesome!

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  1. I find sedative pretty scary actually, the way it works so fast and you can’t remember anything… I had a few surgeries as a kid and actually woke up in one – nothing gory, I don’t think it had started – but I was terrified.

    Doesn’t look like a fun experience… I hope they find what’s wrong!
    .-= Zhu´s last blog ..10 Things To Experience In Canada =-.

  2. Okay! That’s scary. To get up and see someone shoving a tube down your throat. Hope the biopsy returns normal :)
    .-= Nigel Babu´s last blog ..Pushing 150 kg =-.

  3. Oh!! I feel for you!! I was awake for mine without the drugs but I knew what to expect. I hope this is the last one for you!

    PS… send him some pepernoten since it’s the holiday season :)

  4. Looking forward to Dutch treats, but we’ll pass on the black licorice!

    I tried to tell them I wasn’t out yet, but they didn’t believe me. Everyone probably says that since they aren’t really out anyway.
    .-= Nobody´s last blog ..Weird Wednesday #89 =-.

  5. I had them start before the sedative kicked in once, it was horrible. Some great big dude was laying across me to hold me down, and I was gagging while they shoved the scope down my throat. So I totally feel for you.

    Hope you feel better soon and that all the tests come out okay.

    I’ll mail you some Tootsie Pops today :)
    .-= Nobody´s last blog ..Weird Wednesday #89 =-.

    • Oh I would have lost my shit completely if they started before the sedative kicked in. I wasn’t fully awake when I started feeling stuff, but I was definitely aware. I knew people were holding me down and I was struggling, but for some reason I never bothered to open my eyes.

      SO looking forward to those tootsie pops! Trying to decide which Dutch treats to send you. Do you or any of the family like black licorice? The Dutch apparently have the best “drop” (licorice) in the world! I don’t like the stuff so I don’t eat it but tons here almost live on it haha

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