Stranger Danger!

A while back I wrote about being walk stalked by some African dude while I was out with the dog.  This was in 2006, but it has happened a number of times since then.  Tonight’s episode was especially nerve wracking for me though, because it was night, and I’m not usually out alone at night.  Xander is off at a big Lego conference this weekend and he usually does the night time dog walk, but tonight I was on my own.

Anyhow, here’s how it went down.

It was warm today and I spent the bulk of the day in my sewing room working on my sampler quilt, which I finally got out again and am determined to finish this time.  The window in there doesn’t open and the little vent at the top is useless, so it’s warm.  I know, don’t even ask why the window doesn’t open, the morons at the rental company that owned it before us did it, and I hate them.

So, I was wearing shorts (like above the knee show my chubby thighs type of shorts) and a sleeveless shirt, which ordinarily I’d never be seen in public wearing, but it was hot and I didn’t care.  When it came time to walk the dogs I considered changing, but thought what the hell, it’s dark so I’m not going to scare anyone.  I felt fat, flobby, white, gross and bravely made my way outdoors anyway.

At the end of my walk, as I was rounding the corner back to our flat I noticed a guy driving buy in a dark car, ducking down to look at me through his passenger side window.  “Oh fuck oh fuck, PIXEL HURRY UP, GO PEE GO PEE, WE GOTTA GO!!” .    The bravery was gone, replaced by utter and complete humiliation.  I was so white and huge standing there in the night that this guy actually went out of his way to slow down and look to see what it was.  No, it isn’t the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, it’s just a big white Canadian, now MOVE ALONG.

He didn’t though.  Instead, he went to the end of my street, did a U-Turn and came back around, stopping his car next to me.  When he rolled down his window I saw a sort of Vin Diesel type guy looking out at me.  No, seriously, I’m not making this shit up, he really did look like that.  Clearly, he had to be either about to throw out an insult, or ask for directions… so when he just said hello, I just stood there stunned like an idiot.   He said hello again, and I said hello back.

At this point I probably should have started screaming STRANGER DANGER while running home, but I was too confused.  He kept talking to me and while I sort of understood his Dutch, he had some other underlying accent which made him hard to understand.   He was also staring at me so hard I felt like he was trying to bore holes through me, that freaked me out.

I finally came to and said “Sorry, I don’t understand you” in English.  This sometimes does the trick, I guess they weigh their options and figure I’m not worth the effort of trying to work it in English, but this dude was persistent.  He turned his car off and got out.  THAT freaked me out MORE.

At this point I realized that if anyone ever wanted to find me at night and kill me, I’d be an easy mark, because I just kept walking along with him walking next to me, rather than saying something like… oh I dunno, GO AWAY YOU SCARE ME!  I did have the fact that I was walking with two vicious guard dogs on my side though, or not, since they both just ran up to lick his hands as he came towards me.  Useless.

He asked me if I lived in the neighbourhood, I said yes but didn’t specify where, he asked me my name and I told him, he told me his and I forget now but it started with H, maybe Hamish? I dunno.   I think he then got the hint that I was uncomfortable, or not interested, because he stopped and asked me if I have a man.  Just like that “Do you have a man?”

“Yes, Yup, Yup I do, Yes!” Perhaps a bit too eager, but it got my point across because he then just smiled and sort of bowed his head and said “Ok I’m sorry” and said goodbye and left.

At which point I ran as fast as my porky little legs would carry me back to the house.

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  1. I think it would have freaked me out too. I mean, “do you have a man”… what a pickup line!

    Zhus last blog post… It’s Okay Not To Believe

  2. Wow, freaky!

    I had a scary Arab guy hit on me in Amsterdam, telling me “we should go to my apartment for drinks”…uh, no.

    Big ass does not equal stupid, buddy. Buzz off!

    Ambers last blog post… Love and Marriage

  3. How completely creep-tastic. Yikes!

    Ginger Magnolias last blog post… Totally Music Tuesday

  4. Hi there,
    Glad you’re ok. I understand what you’re talking about. I’ve been approached too by mostly black men with heavily accented Dutch and they’ve had no problem switching over to English when I try that distraction. Karel said it’s cause I smile at strangers and say hello (dag, goedmorgen, etc.) to them. One who approached me in our shopping center…after I told him I was married and not interested, he said “I don’t mind”…umm..yeah, ok, good to know. EEK!!! And though I was a smidge flattered afterwards, was realllllly glad it was always in a public, busy place.

    Again, glad you’re ok and hope that Xander will be home soon to take over the evening strolls.
    Take care!

    • Yeah Suzy I learned that lesson quickly here in Rotterdam. It’s just not how it’s done here, randomly saying Hi to strangers on the street. They think you are up to something, and to most men it means “HI WANNA SCREW?!” haha

  5. These weirdos are giving the name “Hamish” a bad reputation! My cat objects! He is a perfect gentleman, and a credit to his fine name.

    Well, of course he is Sir Hamish, so perhaps it’s his good breeding that gives him such impeccable manners. :-D

  6. That is freaky indeed! I never know what to do in those situations either, because I start to wonder if I’m over reacting and it’s normal for men to start conversations with women alone in the dark… but it’s NOT NORMAL! If he was just trying to innocently hit on you, he needs to change his tactic. I can’t imagine it ever leading anywhere innocent “No, I’m totally single mister creepy vin diesel wanna be.. let me go drop off these little dogs of mine and you and i can go cruise the streets of rotterdam together”.

    UGH! I wish we could just be free to walk our dogs alone at night. I like taking night shift but even in my smallish town I don’t feel safe here (with an American Bulldog who would also just lick them to death, but they don’t know that!) One night a guy drove past me, stopped in the middle of the street, reversed, rolled down his window and tried making small talk while his car was still in the middle of the street (you just don’t DO that at 1am, right?)

    Anyways, I’m glad you’re ok. Maybe now that it’s staying lighter out later and later you’ll still be able to take the night shift but it’ll be less creepy.

    • I know I wondered the SAME thing! I mean what if I said no, what did he expect? Do these guys expect to actually get relationships this way or are they just cruising for sex. Next time I’m going to ask!!

  7. That is creepy! Something similar happened to me when I had my TWO toddlers with me. Some guys are bizarre… does he just cruise neighbourhoods looking for someone who doesn’t have a man?

    I hear that febreeze makes a good substitute for mace.

    mmicheles last blog post… Now that’s the kind of museum I like…

    • OH god I’d be really nervous if I had children with me. Knowing my luck I’d mace some guy who just wanted to know the nearest gas station :P

  8. I had a similar experience except I was at a playground with my son, and when my ‘stalker’ finally came up to me, he too asked if I had a husband…also a Hamish :-) My husband told me those guys typically like porky legs and wide arses! I’m glad you are safe and learned a valuable lesson when it was harmless.

    Teras last blog post… Parenting Part 2

    • Woah, maybe it was the same guy! Did he look like Vin Diesel? Maybe he travels around trying to pick up chicks off the street! I really wonder what these men are looking for though. A quick lay? A wife? A gf? A slave? … what?

  9. He probably thought he was one of the dudes from bang bus or something. Glad you are ok.

  10. Oh wow, Im glad everything is ok. I get super nervous here when Im out by myself,espically at night. He was obviously interested in you..tee hee
    I have come across groups of boys and and men even and when they hear me speaking english Im telling you they get that easy target look. Little do they know I would come at them like a spider monkey jacked up on mountain dew..but still,it’s scarey and Im glad it ended with him leaving you alone.

    Sonyas last blog post… Moist Chocolate Cake

    • haha Spider monkey jacked up on mountain dew. When I speak English normally I try not to do so too loudly, I’m not sure why. I think I just don’t want to draw attention to myself hehe I always spend a lot of time in public wanting to go “shhhh” to English speaking friends who are still in that loud North American state of mind. :P I’m sure that’s more my problem than theirs though!

  11. Tracy McAlllister

    Wow, kind of a scary situation. Glad you are okay and he didn’t try to do any harm to you. No more night walking!!!! Be safe.

  12. Remind me to tell you my Russian in Estonia story. Glad you are safe and sound.

  13. Oh, man!! I would have done the same thing you did. Even if situations scream “danger”, I just stay there… Shocked. I am glad he just seemed to like you and backed off completely, then!!!

    When I was in NL, I was never alone. And we only got bugged by people offering us to find us a coffee shop or offering us cocaine! Lovely, lol.

  14. Danielle Mutsaers

    That kind of thing freaks me out too. I hate walking in the woodsy or lonely areas around here. It must be the paranoid American in me, but I’m always waiting for someone to jump out and kill me.

  15. Danielle Mutsaers

    Ooo, he liked you! He probably thought you looked cute and juicy in your little shorts. But yeah, that would have freaked me right the hell out!

    • Yeah he totally did, I got that after a little while. He was … LEERY. I didn’t understand it, but it was happening all the same. I guess my battered, withered ego kind of likes it now looking back, but at the time I was wondering if they were going to end up fishing me up in the Maas!

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