A New Year and a New Blog!

So I finally decided to give in and get a blogging program. Since I started my blog I have been writing in in notepad using HTML, which was fun and educational for a while but I got tired of having to do every little bit of code.

My friend Sasha told me about wordpress but unfortunately the package we have with our host doesn’t have MySQL which is required. So then Socar told me I should try Movabletype. After a whole lot of poking around, tinkering and tweaking by Xander (and a small amount by myself since I had no idea wtf I was doing) my new blog is finally up and running!

I’m sure there are still a few kinks that need to be worked out so if you see anything that doesn’t look right let me know!


Anyhow, it’s hard to believe that the x-mas vacation is almost over. Already over for some.. Suckerrrrs! We still have our tree up and all our decorations. I won’t take them down until the weekend before I start school again I think. I hate taking down the decoration, the house always seems so boring afterwards. I usually just light a lot of candles each evening to make up for the lack of lights from the tree.


Click here for the Firework Gallery New Years Eve was pretty quiet. We didn’t do anything exciting like go to a party or a club. We snuggled up with a movie and then watched the fireworks. There’s a video in the fireworks gallery that shows what it’s like from our balcony. The fireworks go off about every 10 minutes starting three days before New Years. Then on New Years Eve they start at approx 11:30pm and continue on full blast until 1:30-2:00am. Constant fireworks in every direction! It’s beautiful! I tried to get some good pictures but only a few turned out decent. I think before next new year I’m going to invest in a tripod and see how I manage with that. It will look funny though, this big tripod with my wee little camera on top.


Click for photos and videos of the Kerstcircus! On New Years Day we went to the Kerstcircus Ahoy, it was awesome!! We went to the Winter Boulevard first where I had poffertjes for the very first time. They are basically mini pancake things the size of a silver dollar, and you eat them with butter and powdered sugar. SINFUL!! Soooo yummy though! The circus started at 3pm and we went in to find our seats, which were damn good seats, I must say. We were in the 4th row and had an excellent view.

There was a nice variety in the show.. clowns, animals and what seemed to be an awful lot of drums. I think that might have been their theme this year or something. The funniest thing in the entire show was this one little pony that was in a show together with a bunch of dogs. At the end the guy sent the dogs away and kept the one pony in the ring. He got the pony to get down like he was bowing and everyone was ooohing and aaahing at how cute he was. Then this heavy metal music started and the pony started headbanging! The crowd went crazy, hooting and laughing while this little guy shook his mane all over the place. It was a sight to behold! So much so, that I managed to get a video. You can see it in my Kerstcircus Gallery.


My ankle is starting to mend. I’ve been to the doctor and he sent me to the hospital for x-rays, which came back clear. So it was just some badly pulled ligaments. It’s much worse in the morning than any other time of the day but I can tell that it’s starting to heal. I’m still so nervous when I’m walking though, with every step I take on that foot I remember going over on it and I almost feel sick. I can’t wait for that feeling to go away.

Ok, that’s all for now. I’m going to submit this and see if it actually is working properly! If you can read this, that means it is! Whoohoo!

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  1. Wow! It’s alive! It’s alive! :)

  2. w00t
    Me likey.

    Me likey muchly.

  3. Outstanding. Now we, your loyal readers, can read your new posts while they are fresh thanks to the miracle of RSS.

  4. Hey, it’s looking great! Glad you managed to get everything figured out, there.

  5. Nice blog. Glad to hear you enjoyed the circus. Can’t wait to see it for myself next year. Hope the foot heals soon, watch those potholes, surprised they have them over there, thought it was only good old C.B. that had them, he,he.

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