Restaurant Review – Tommy’s Diner (Montpellier, France)

Review Overview

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Food Quality


Would recommend, especially for other expats looking for a 'back home burger'!

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Each year when we visit the south of France, we make a point of visiting the Odysseum shopping center in Montpellier.  We shop around a bit, go for lunch and maybe get an ice cream.

Each year I eyed the same diner for lunch but we always ended up going somewhere else.  We went to another burger place, an Italian place, etc  and they were always nice restaurants but the North American in me screamed DINER!! 50’s DINER!!  I just had to go there.

This year we did!

Tommy's Diner

It has been so long since I’ve been in a diner of any kind.  Even if it’s an American 50’s diner run by a bunch of French people.  Sure, a part of me worried that I’d end up disappointed like so many other times when I see a burger joint in Europe.  You know what I’m talking about, expats!  Burgers with no bun!  Oh, and worst of all, the Dutch burgers with the mystery spice the Dutch use to ruin every hamburger and sausage in the country.

It was worth the risk, though.  It was there, they had burgers, we had to go check it out – FOR SCIENCE!

Tommy's Diner

Tommy's Diner

It was a beautifully sunny day, and was SO warm.  I think I can remember what that was like… it has rained pretty much every day so far this month in the Netherlands.

I loved the colors and the decor, especially on the inside, check this out!

Tommy's Diner

Tommy's Diner

Tommy's Diner

Oh my word, we need one of these in Rotterdam – Stat!  They were playing so much music that I recognized from back home, from my dad playing in his band.  I tried not to sing along too loudly but I may have done some serious seat dancing.  Much to the dismay of my husband.

They thought of a lot of the little things too…

Tommy's Diner

Like unlimited, cold, FREE bottled water.  Did I mention it’s FREE water?  Water we didn’t have to pay for.  Water to quench our thirst that doesn’t come in bottle the size of my thumb!  TAKE A LESSON NETHERLANDS!

Tommy's Diner

Also, cool monthly placemats!  I couldn’t read them, of course, but that didn’t matter. I could look at the photos while sipping my FREE WATER and read their extensive menu. So extensive that the guy had to come back at least three times to ask if I was ready yet.   Which makes no sense because I went there fully intending to get the smallest burger they had.

Tommy's Diner

This was it… and it was delicious!  My poor husband had to eat more than half of it (well he didn’t have to but he didn’t complain!) and we still both waddled back to the car groaning.  It was like a real burger.  A no whack Dutch spice, burger with a bun.  Oh, and bottled ketchup and mustard – Hello!  It was perfect, and my husband agreed.  I would have gotten a photo of his burger but he had already almost demolished it by the time I was finished taking photos of mine.

The service was great, the atmosphere was fantastic, the food was delicious.  TWO enthusiastic thumbs up!  If you are in Montpellier and it’s been a while since you’ve had a good burger, or heck, even if it hasn’t been a while. It’s worth checking out!

Oh and remember what I said about needing one of these in Rotterdam? No, that would be bad. Very, very bad.  Their menu is sinful in the most wonderful way, so it’s best that I keep my distance.  Once a year is enough.


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  1. That diner looks superb, I’m sure I could polish off one of those burger and fries on my own! Are those onion rings on top? Geez I love onion rings! I’m not sure when travel will be open again worldwide but when I do travel I will keep my eyes open for this one :)

  2. That’s weird, I wonder what that spice is.

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