Spinning Obsession Continues

Back in 2015 I wrote about my new spinning obsession. I had just visited a craft fair with my friend Nerissa, and while I was there, I picked up a drop spindle and some fiber. Well, since then my spinning obsession has sort of come and gone. I tried a few different types of spindles, trying to find the right fit, but I seemed to lose steam after a while.

I will tell this story through Instagram, as that’s the easiest way for me to find the photos at the moment!

I tried more drop spindling.


I bought at least three support spindles and various types of lap bowls.



Honestly, it just never stuck. I would go at it for a while but then I’d get distracted with knitting projects and my interest would fizzle. It seemed to take so long, I think that was my problem, it felt like it took forever to get anything spun. I did, however, LOVE shopping for the drop spindles. My WORD there are some gorgeous spindles out there. I’d want to buy them just to keep them in a cup on my desk, to look beautiful. Some of the glass support spindles blow my mind, they are just SO SO amazing. Also amazingly expensive, IF you aren’t totally committed to using them. If you are, they are totally worth it, I figure.



Needless to say, I didn’t get one, as I knew they would be purely decorative. I’m almost a little sad that I didn’t fall in love with spindle spinning as much as I’d hoped, because I’d love to start a collection of those beauties. Oh well.

I kept hearing about how much faster it was with a wheel, but they were expensive! My chances of getting one were slim to none, really. At least at that point. I gave it a valiant effort for a while, but eventually my spinning hobby went dormant.

Then, as if by magic, I literally became the luckiest crafter ever. Within the space of two years, I was gifted two wheels!


The wheel on the right is a Moswolt Hammer, which was my mother in law’s. When she saw that I’d taken an interest in spinning, she mentioned to my husband that she still had the wheel she used when he was a child, and it’s been sitting and collecting dust in her garage. What?! She dug it out and gave me to me and I was so excited! I had no idea how to use it and I was totally overwhelmed by all there was to learn, but I had a wheel! The most amazing part of it was when I went to ask on some spinning groups about what kind of wheel it was (my MIL didn’t remember), people went bananas! Apparently this is a somewhat rare and sought after wheel – and it’s mine!!! I just cackled a little again, for real. This cackling thing is getting worrying.


Then one day, after I’d moved to France, a huge box arrived at my house, from Scheepjes. In it was a Louet S10 spinning wheel and 5kg of fiber to practice with. They sent me this amazing gift as a thank you for helping out with their crochet alongs and helping to manage their Facebook groups. Talk about being spoiled…


I’m not going to lie, both wheels sat unused for a long time, because I was just so intimidated by them. I didn’t know where to start! There were lots of tutorials on YouTube, but still. I felt like I needed someone to show me the basics to get me going. I was also SO busy with knitting that I just didn’t have the time, nor the brain space to take it all in.

Until recently! I met up with some people who showed me the ropes, which made it a lot easier! I thought the heck with it, jump in with both feet and just see what happens!

First, I wanted to clean up the Moswolt a little. It hadn’t been used in 25-30 years and it needed a little love. With the help of my new friend Nadine, from La Patte de l’Ourse and some lovely wax she made, and my husband helping me get the rust off the metal bits, I was able to really bring some new life to it!

Use the arrows on the right of the photo to scroll through and see the difference!


Before long, I was off and running! Like any craft, once you start and you get the hang of it, it all becomes a lot easier! Before long, I’d made my very first skein of yarn!


Having these wheels has opened a whole work for me in spinning, and it’s made me realise that I am 100% a wheel spinner, and not a spindle spinner. I can spin on a spindle, but I’m too impatient. I like how fast it goes with the wheel, the feeling of treadling, and just everything about it.

Of course, I’ve become obsessed with fiber, fiber tools, and everything else. I watch fiber blending videos like this one, like they are porn!


Man, I REALLY want a blending board!

…. and a drum carder.

…. and more wheels, ALL THE WHEELS!



Oh gosh, ok I have to stop. I’m starting to fiber spiral again, down the rabbit hole of all the things I want to buy and try and dye and … trust me, if you haven’t been bitten by the spinning bug, don’t buy a wheel. That is, unless you want to become totally obsessed and lose yourself in a world of soft, wonderful… never mind, just get one. You’ll thank me later!

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