Four Year Old Perv

I mean, is there any such thing?  Give me a break…  only in the United States could a four year old child be suspended from school because of a HUG! haha

Apparently a teachers aid accused the four year old of sexual harassment because he hugged her and (in her opinion) rubbed his face into her chest.


Here’s a video:


Unless he’s been molested, had exposure to pornography or witnessed his dad messing around with mom.. what would prompt a child of that age to act in a sexual manner?  It’s ridiculous.

I mean maybe the kid was breast fed a bit too long and was just like ‘mmmm boobies’ like kids do.  Heck I’ve had other people’s kids grapple on to my boobs and I didn’t go on to think their children were perverts.

Maybe he was just cuddling into her.

Besides… couldn’t we flip this coin and ask what she’s doing hugging the children?  If we are going to go to these lengths where any contact can be misconstrued as something sexual, doesn’t it make sense that the teachers and their aids don’t have any more physical contact with the children than necessary?

It must be great to be a laywer and live in America… at least you know you’ll never be out of work!

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  1. Sick. It’s the teacher who needs to get her perspective on sex changed.My cousin when he was about that age used to grab people’s breast (even strangers) when his mom was away. It was his source of comfort. I would have raised hell if anyone accused him of sexual harassment. Inappropriate behavior maybe but it was not even remotely sexual for him.

  2. You missed something….it was in Texas…bible belt hello….that was a real no brainer. I have seen first hand how bad these sexually repressed weridos are. These are the same kind of ppl that put covers on piano legs because they said it was to provocative.

  3. The shame from this will probably haunt the poor kid. He was only doing what kids do. Most kids aren’t repressed enough to not follow their impulses. The accusation that a four year old could be capable of sexual harrasment is just sad.

  4. His parents seem like black lower-class people so their ability to fight this will probably be limited.
    Poor kid, this will follow him everywhere.

  5. OH FFS!!!!! 4! What the HELL is wrong with people???

  6. It’s another sign of the Apocalypse…

  7. It’s horrible how far people will go for attention. Honestly, I feel that’s what is happening here. This teacher has taken things too far in my view and the child, the child will be the one that suffers.

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