30 Days of Truth: Day 19


I don’t think of politics at all.  I probably should, it’d be wise to be informed but I honestly don’t care about it at all.  I don’t think I even know who Canada’s prime minister is at the moment.  I don’t really care, that’s probably why.  That’s pretty much all I have to say about that.

Religion is another matter. I consider myself to be non-religious… as in, I don’t believe in God, it just seems so far fetched.  I assume that if there is a God, when the time comes he’ll forgive me for having doubts.  Besides, I think I will be more upset with him that he will be with me.  He will have a lot of explaining to do.

I don’t think I could call myself a full fledged atheist, because I have no proof that there is NO God.  Neither can I prove that there is one.  I’m in the middle, leaning heavily on the side of the atheists, however.

I often envy people who have religion in their lives, who blindly believe in God and heaven and all that other business, because I think it brings them a great deal of peace.  I wish I could believe that my Nana is in heaven waiting for me and that I’ll see her again one day, but I don’t.  I’d love to have the comfort that comes with that, so if it was a matter of snapping my fingers and just believing I would.  I can’t though, it’s just not how I’m built.

I don’t have religion in my life but I don’t judge those who do. Unless, that is, they use religion as an excuse to be judgmental or cruel to others.  It does happen… a lot of things are done and said with the Bible and ‘God’s Word’ used as their excuse.  So not cool.

I also hate when people give me grief because I don’t believe in God, that irritates the living shit out of me.  If you come to me wanting to discuss religion or to turn me over to your faith, and I say I am not interested, don’t try to shove it down my throat.  If someone says they aren’t interested or that they don’t’ believe in God, the chances are greater that you will anger them than that you will change their mind.

I find myself agreeing with what Ricky Gervais has to say on the matter.  When I read his article, I felt that it was the closest thing to how I feel and that he explained it much better than I ever could, so maybe I should just stop talking and let you read that instead.

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One comment

  1. You don’t need proof there’s no god to be an atheist. You don’t need proof there’s no bigfoot in order to not believe in him either. Call yourself an agnostic atheist. That way the burden of proof is never on you.

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