100% Chance of Meatballs


Tonight my husband and I had a meatball themed night.  We didn’t even really plan it that way, but I’m taking advantage of the coincidence so I can blog about it.  It started off with our dinner plans, Xander was cooking Knorr Chinese Beef Shanghai, which I never remember so I just call it Nutty Balls.  It’s meatballs in a somewhat nutty flavoured sauce with a bit of tauge served with chinese mie noodles.  Yummeh!

I had been talking to some friends over the weekend who said they had recently seen the movie Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs and that they really liked it.  We were discussing animated films and how much we love that they aren’t just for kids anymore.   I’ve noticed that the Dutch version (Het Regent Gehaktballen) is in theaters here already and, although there are signs for the English version, it doesn’t seem to be coming.  It’s a shame because it would have been cute to be able to see it in 3D.  I’d probably understand the Dutch version but I think there is always something lost in translation and what I might find funny in English I may not really get in Dutch.

Since there appeared to be no chance of seeing it in the original format in the theater, I decided to download it so we could watch it while having dinner.  That’s when it hit me that we were having a meatball themed evening!  Meatballs for dinner and a meatballs movie, sweet!

My husband did a great job on the food and we settled in to watch the movie.  We both really liked it a lot and thought it was quite funny.  It was silly, but just silly enough without making it too dumb to watch.  I also loved hearing familiar voices like my lover Bruce Campbell as well as Andy Samberg and Mr. T.  I never would have guessed that Neil Patrick Harris did the voice for Steve the monkey either!

I don’t think you have to see this movie in 3D to enjoy it and if you go in without huge expectations then I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.   Not that you shouldn’t expected it to be good though, because it is…

After watching the movie my husband retired to his man cave (he calls it a Lego Room, but really… it’s a man cave) and I heard him yell out “I think there’s a chance of meatballs!!’.  I wasn’t sure what he was on about until I looked out our living room window.  Yikes!


I ran and  quickly grabbed my point and shoot.  I know how quickly weather can happen and stop happening here so I didn’t want to miss it.  It literally just stopped being sunny and started being all doom and gloom.  Shame we already ate because if it WAS going to rain meatballs, I was far too full to enjoy it.

I then ran to the dining room window to see what was happening back there…


Yep, not a lot better from that direction.  I got excited thinking that perhaps we were going to get a nice big storm.  Some winds, rain, hail, thunder, lightning… you know, stormy stuff.

No such luck.  The clouds were a trick, before I knew it the sky was turning light-ish grey again and there was no excitement at all.  No meatballs to be seen, nor thunder and lightning.  Bummer.

Oh well.  We’d already had enough meatballs anyway.

Now I am off because I’ve got diem to carpe!

You’d totally get that if you saw the movie, by the way.

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  1. All that drama for nothing! But at least you had your meatballs.
    .-= Jason´s last blog ..Pomp and Circumstance =-.

  2. hahaha, you said tauge instead of bean sprouts
    .-= Darryn´s last blog ..why TK421 wasn’t at his post =-.

  3. :D hihi… wouldn’t it be great if we would have meatballs fallinf from the sky?
    I would definitely get my pan out…. I love meatballs….
    .-= Ladybird´s last blog ..Baking & house…. =-.

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