I just got off the phone with a girl from my class. She’s American and I love her to pieces! I honestly don’t know what I’d do if she wasn’t in my class because she is so nice and really helps to motivate me. (By calling and saying “Where the heck are you?!” if I don’t show up, just the kick in the ass I need!)

Anyhow, a month or so after we met I learned that she’s Jehova’s Witness. I laughed and laughed because I flashed back to all the times I’ve sworn around her. She knows I’m non-religious and sometimes we joke around about it. I tease her asking if she goes home and prays for me at night after all my swearing at school. hehe Tonight our conversation went something like this:

Me: So what are you up to this weekend?
Her: I’m going to be away this weekend actually!
Me: Awesome! Where are you going?
Her: It’s just a church thing!
Me: Oh Jesus, going recruiting are you?! haha
Her: HAHAHA! The first thing you say – Oh Jesus! [Laughs] Me: OH God! I did, didn’t I?! Crap I just said God!!
Her: [Squeeling with laughter] Uh Huh
Me: Jesus I’m such a heathen!! Oh god I did it again! ARGH SHIT and again!! [Starting to get flustered and can’t believe I took the Lord’s name in vain by mistake so many times in a row] Her: You’re crazy girl! [Still laughing a lot] Me: You better pray extra for me tonight!
Her: [Laughing so hard she can barely say goodbye]

I am going to hell.

Thank god [

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  1. Haha I sat here reading that with the biggest grin :-D. She sounds AWESOME! I guess she can see the sweet big hearted Breigh behind all the cussing <:-).

  2. Haha, that’s funny Breigh! My friends/landlords upstairs are JW’s. They have a great sense of humour too. I make jokes all the time and Ryan laughs at everything.


  3. Jaysus! You put your foot in! Hee hee…funny.

    Well, at least she is not trying to recruit you! Sense of humour is good.

  4. At least she’s not like the Jehovah’s Witness who commented on a blog post I wrote ages ago, all serious-like.


    Sounds like she’s got a sense of humour.

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