CoH Sucks

*BIG HUG* going out to my great-aunt Pearly.  A few days ago she became ill and was taken to the hospital. She is diabetic and has heart problems, while she was there they found out she was anemic and have given her blood. They also found a mass on her bowel, which she will have removed in bowel reduction surgery. A surgery where they remove part of your bowel and then stitch it back together. Surely not a nice surgery to have, not that any are nice. She’s 82 years old and not the type who enjoys being stuck in the hospital so I’m sure she’s probably quite unhappy at the moment. I’m worried about her, she’s lost one brother and four sisters to Cancer so when we hear mass it’s obviously the first thing to come to mind. You’d think I’d be used to being so far away when things like this are going on, but I’m not and it sucks. My father’s heart attack, my grandmother’s death… now Pearly. At 82 years old how long does she have left? I can’t help but wonder if I’ll ever see her again, and it’s sad thinking that way. I don’t want to spend any more time worried that the people I love will be gone before I get back there.

I started playing CoH the other day. My impression of it? Meh… I mean the char creation is fantastic but to be honest that’s the most fun I’ve had in the game. It’s like a console game only online, if that makes any sense. Other games I’ve played were social and fun, I played with people I really enjoyed spending time with and I became hooked. With CoH it’s like I’m trying to force the addiction or something, it’s odd. Basically you make this superhero and run around doing missions. Which is fun for a while but after so long it’s like *Yawn*. The people don’t seem to even talk to each other. I can play for hours on end and I don’t even see ONE person speak. No chatting in public, private, guild… nothing. Talk about boring! The only two people I know in the game are a couple (well, online couple.. they’ve never met) and they use teamspeak to talk to each other. So when I group with them they aren’t even talking in game. I’m just bored senseless running around trying to keep up with them and not knowing what the hell is going on. I’m going to give it a bit more time and if it doesn’t become more fun, I’m ditching it. I like having the passtime again but to be honest I’d rather pick up SWG again or something.

Today we’re supposed to have some really shitty weather, big gales of wind and really nasty stuff. It’s windy out but hardly the brutal weather they’ve been going on about. Xander even came home early from work because of it. I was expecting a monsoon or something. It was raining like mental this morning so I couldn’t get out for my walk. Didn’t stop me from getting up at 5:15 though. I tried to have a nap today but it was just too noisy with the kids across the street and the wind. I really need to catch up on some sleep. Normally I’ll nap during the day to catch up on it but I haven’t at all in about a week and it’s catching up with me. Even though I got to bed at like 10:30pm every day it doesn’t make a difference, I’m still wiped the next day after getting up so early.

God I feel such huge anxiety, I wish I knew why. Maybe it’s this stuff with Pearly and homesickness, maybe it’s PMS and lack of sleep, maybe it’s because gaming again has made me miss Pothead Jon more than ever. Hell, maybe it’s a mixture of everything. In other words, I’m having a really shitty day :(

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