Psycho Hubby

The sun is shining today in Holland and I can’t be arsed to do anything. I’m feeling soooo lazy.. not that this is a rare occurance of course. It’s pretty much a constant state, but I mean where would I go? Getting groceries can only get so exciting. On the plus side, they have chocolate there.. which I am craving like mad. I don’t know why, I mean I usually love some chocolate but the past few days I’ve wanted it so bad I’ve been tempted to just take a spoonful of the chocolate sauce for ice cream. Gah!

Omg, the wierdest thing happened last night. Xander fell asleep way before me and I was reading a little to make myself more tired. Just as I laid down to go to sleep I heard him mumble something so I opened my eyes. He sleeps with this thing wrapped around his head to cover his eyes and he lifted it up and rolled sort of onto his side, looking straight at me. He held his hand up and opened it finger by finger, as if he was counting to five. Meanwhile he had this really psychotic look on his face.. it was like One.. two.. three.. four.. five seconds until I KILL YOU!! Then he laid back down, put the thing over his eyes and went to sleep.

God I have the heebie jeebies just thinking about it! I’ve never been afraid of Xander before but last night he frightened the shit out of me. I woke him up and asked him what the hell that was all about.. but of course he had no idea what I was talking about. If he can look that psycho in his sleep.. what stops me from thinking he could like, chop me to bits in my sleep? Oh god I swear it was so freaky.. thank GOD I’m a light sleeper!!

Two sleeps now till I leave for home. Finally got all the laundry done, which is great. Although I’m sure my mother would be all excited if I brought it all back their dirty for her to wash. She’s weird like that, she loves to clean up after people and do their laundry and stuff. It’s like her own little way of saying I love you… She really ought to quit her job and become a maid, I’m sure she’d be great at it.

Crap.. I’m so weak. I just caved and did the spoon full of chocolate sauce thing *sigh*


Xander got me a book I’ve really really wanted to read on the plane. It’s been sitting on the dining room table for the past two weeks and it’s been soooo hard not to read it. I’m gonna crack it open the minute my ass hits the seat(s)!!

This is the book

Mike Gayle is my favorite author EVER! I’ve read a lot of books but none flow as well or are as entertaining to read as his books. I’ve not read one yet that wasn’t a “cover to cover” deal! I’m not going to rant on and on about how great his books are because I know I rarely listen to people when they tell me about authors they like, so why would I fool myself into thinking people will read his books just because I say so. SO, that said, if you are interested (which is cool!) click on the book to learn more about him and his books. If you’re not interested, well.. you’re a dumbass and I have nothing more to say on the matter!

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