Here Comes The Rain Again…

Well I made it through the hitlergolf and managed to sweat myself off another 2 lbs, go go gadget heatwave!! Maybe I should move to some tropical island and all I’d really have to do is drink a lot of water so I don’t die, as I’d sweat every time I moved and lose weight from it. Ok so not the best course of action, but leave it to the fat chick to try to find the lazy way to lose weight, right? It’s raining now and it’s nice to feel a cool breeze in the house again.

Xander and I have decided that we are definately going to hold off Project Baby for at least a year. We aren’t going to try to prevent it, because that would be stupid in our situation, but we aren’t going to let it be an issue in our lives for the next year either. We are going to concentrate on moving forward with our lives, getting our house in order, getting me more fit and basically making sure we are totally ready mentally and physically (for me). That way when / if the time comes we ever do get pregnant we will be in a really good place and be able to have a happy and healthy life with our wee one.

Which brings me back to sweating my ass off… Two more pounds lost! YAY! That brings me to a whopping 4 lbs! It’s not much but it’s a start!

Part of this new lifestyle is not gaming as seriously as I used to. I have now officially quit World of Warcraft as it was just far too stressful and addictive, and I don’t need that at all right now. I am playing Everquest2 but very casually (maybe an hour or two every two days), and I plan to keep it casual. I’ll always enjoy playing online games but I don’t like being expected to be in game or associating with people who feel that it’s a responsibility to put the game before everything else. It just isn’t healthy…

So yeah, EQ2 is pretty fun so far. It’s confusing as hell and there is a lot to learn, which is probably why it’s so easy to stay causal about it at the moment. After an hour of play I end up confused about something and can’t be arsed to play anymore so I log off. haha

One cool thing about it is that you can have one character, but two models for it. So your character can have two totally different looks. How people see the character depends on how they have their options set. This is the two different versions of my EQ2 Breigh:

New Breigh - Original Model The New Breigh - Alternate Model

On the left is my original EQ model and on the right is my alternate model. I don’t know all the details but it’s something about the asians hating the original models so they made alternate, more anime-like models to satisfy them. Whatever… I like the alternate models better.

Will I stay in EQ, who knows, but it’s fun for now.

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