The Fluff

So Xander has been gone for four days now and I’m still surviving, actually I think the time alone has done me some good! I’ve made plans with friends and done more housework than I usually do when he is around (huh?!) I wonder why that is/


I am a habitual dot dot dot’er and it’s horrible not being able to dot dot dot the end of my sentences or a pause between thoughts/ The slash isn’t cutting it for me and it would just be unheard of to blog on my desktop because this is where I blog, sitting against the arm of my sofa with my laptop on a little tray thingie in front of me/ That’s just how it is dammit!

I should get a job so I could afford a new laptop for myself dot dot dot

(Ok so spelling out the dot dot dot isn’t working for me either)

Went to see Memoirs of a Geisha with L yesterday, my god what a great film! I sobbed and sobbed at the end and loved every second of it/ It’s definately a chick flick but I’m sure Xander will be made to sit through it at least once/ I fully plan to download and burn the DvD!

L is my British friend I met a few months ago and did my quilting class with/ She is 6 months pregnant and is having a little girl and thankfully is one of the few people on the planet who is pregnant that I’m not bitter and jealous about! She has a beautiful belly at the moment and after having a lot of difficulty getting pregnant is over the moon about it all/ It’s nice to be able to share it with her and I think I’m enjoying living vicariously through her with this/ It’s a shame she’ll only be here another year though, as her partner’s contract in NL will be over then and she’ll be hightailing it back home because she loves it here just as much as I do (or less even)

Tonight A, another British friend, is coming over to hang out/ We plan to order pizza and pig out while we play this new game he got for his playstation/ The game is called Buzz and is a trivia type game/ There are two versions, one is just about music (all genres) and another is about all different topics/ He kicked my ASS a few weeks ago on the music game so we’re going to have a go ’round with the new one that has all different topics/ Some of the topics are movie and television related so I’m hoping to score some points there!

*Cracks Knuckles* Oh yeah, I’m ready!!

Almost forgot to explain why I titled this “The Fluff” in the first place/ Thinking about giving my site a makeover again, something more plan with less FLUFF/ Still feel this is somewhat too girly for me and I think I’d like to completely reformat the whole thing/ Any thoughts?

Whether I’ll ever actually bother is another story dot dot dot (ugh thought I’d give it one more try, it still sucks)

Less than two weeks until my parents are here!!!!

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  1. I hope you had a happy birthday Breigh!

  2. No period key? Yeeks. And as long as it’s a good chick-flick movie, I like ’em.

  3. Argh the problem is it’s been almost two years since I really worked on this site at all, I forget most of what to do

    I have a vague idea in my mind of what I want but am not 100% yet/ All I know is I want something less girlie and a bit more hmm sleek? or maybe simple is the right word

    I thought perhaps of doing something like yours, I like the banner across the top and the blog being the main page/ Then I could put all the info I have on my seperate pages into different blog categories, I don’t know

    Maybe I need to find a web design course here in Rotterdam in English, I wonder if they exist *ponders*

  4. Makeover!! But then, you know how I feel about girly stuff… (oops, there’s that dot dot dot)

    It’s a big job to redesign (this last one involved a massive new set of templates), but it’s worth it in the end.

    Oh, and there’s that birthday coming up for you, too!

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