Pixel – Four Months Old

Pixel - July 2008

Pixel is now 4 months old and has been living with us for 2 months.  We are madly in love with her!  Bailey is as well, thankfully.   The housebreaking thing is going ok, the mistakes are fewer than in previous weeks, although she is still getting out for a walk every 2.5 hours or so.  Hopefully we’ll be able to go a little bit longer over the next few weeks.

She loves rawhide, as you can see in the above photo… but she doesn’t get it that much as it tends to make her thirsty.   When trying to housebreak a puppy it doesn’t help to have them slurping themselves full of water every 5 minutes.

She still hates the rain, which is unfortunate seeing as it’s been raining here every day.

All Teeth

Evil... EVIL!!

She and Bailey are pretty much inseparable and you can see the big brother / annoying little sister roles starting to form.   He is learning when and how he can bully her, and she is learning how to annoy him and much she can get away with.

She’s also learned how to get Bailey out of the wicker bed…  (there is no music or anything, I couldn’t be arsed to screw around with that so you just hear the silence and the odd gruff out of Bailey):

Notice how her ear is turned inside out?  That keeps happening all the time, it’s kind of funny.   When both are flipped over she looks REALLY weird.

There’s less than 2 months until my parents arrive.  She had better be able to hold it longer than she can now or we’re screwed!  She’ll have to go everywhere with us, which thankfully she can here in the Netherlands!  Dogs are allowed pretty much everywhere except hospitals and grocery stores.

Oh yeah, she’s also following in Bailey’s footsteps when it comes to destroying toys.

Pixel The Toy Destroyer

We brought her home that toy yesterday and within an hour this is what she had done to it. NICE!  I think she paid the price though because later in the evening the poor little thing spent about an hour and a half puking her guts up.   I’m convinced it was something to do with that toy!

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  1. What a cutie! I love the last photo of them together. It reminds me of the funny ones you take when you are with your friends. There is always a blurry one where someone is making a weird face and the other one is laughing..LOL Believe it or not I see dogs in the dang stores here. The video is so cute. I love how she just inches her way up there and lays down ever so gently..lol

    Sonyas last blog post… Long Week

  2. How adorable!!! I love your dogs:)

  3. Happy Birthday!! :) Yup she’s too cute! I just showed Frank the video of her kicking Bailey out of the bed! He was laughing, I love how she just stretches out in the end like.. yup.. that’s mine.

    Melissas last blog post… More then just fish

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